This year our creative projects team brings our Guild members a Mystery Quilt.
Like a little mystery in your quilting? Enjoy a project that develops month to month and comes together in June when all who participated present their version of this years mystery quilt. Instructions are in each Guild newsletter and every Guild meeting night the mystery quilt parts will be on display as an example of what you should have done in the current month.
Have questions ? Contact Sue Pirie
This year we will be doing a mystery quilt called Crossing Squares. It will be 70” x 84” with an inner border of 1 ¾” (finished) and an outer border of 5 ½” (finished). You will need four different materials.
Fabric A 1.1 m light value fabric (includes material for inner border)
Fabric B. 2.6 medium to large scale bold print fabric (includes material for outer border)
Fabric C. 1.2 m contrast fabric, medium light value, could pick out a colour used in the B fabric.
Fabric D. 0.7 m dark value fabric, could be a solid
Binding 0.5 m. Colour is your choice. Suggest B to match outer border or D

October Instructions:
Cutting: Put units in separate baggies and label with the unit number
Unit 1
From C cut 8 strips 4” x WOF (width of fabric)
From B cut 8 strips 4” x WOF
Unit 2
From A cut 3 strips 4” x WOF
Unit 3
From C cut 5 strips 2 ¼” x WOF
From B cut 5 strips 2 ¼” x WOF
Unit 4
From B cut 7 strips 2 ¼” x WOF
From D cut 7 strips 2 ¼” x WOF
Unit 5
From B cut 3 strips 2 ¼” x WOF
From A cut 3 strips 4” x WOF
From D cut 3 strips 2 ¼” x WOF
November Instructions: